"Do or do not; there is no try". I love that line from Star Wars. Yoda urging Luke in his training to take an all-or-nothing approach. It's very black or white. Yoda is driving home a point to Luke that the only way to true one-ness with the Force is by actually doing what is necessary, putting aside your fear or apathy, and sticking to the training.

Before I get too far into this post, I want to begin by saying I'm a recovering shyaholic. I guess you could say it's genetic. All my life I was told I was shy, I was presented to others as "he's just shy", I was excused from uncomfortable conversations, and I avoided meeting new people at all costs. So, shyness runs deep in my blood. You wouldn't guess it now by looking at me or talking to me; that is mainly because it has taken me years of hard work, help from others, and radical internal change from God.



