One of the biggest questions humanity has wrestled with in regards to the existence of God is: "How can a just God, who loves everyone, simply sit back and let innocent people die (ie. the Holocaust, starvation, cancer, etc.)?"

Friedrich Nietzsche, a prominent philosopher of the 19th century, whose works still influence thoughts on religion and secularism today, was once quoted as writing "God is dead." His belief is that man had become so enraptured by science and "reason" that they felt no need for God in their society. Without anyone to believe in God, God, according to Nietzsche, had died.

We should feel the gravity of our sin, but not let it weigh us down.

"Do or do not; there is no try". I love that line from Star Wars. Yoda urging Luke in his training to take an all-or-nothing approach. It's very black or white. Yoda is driving home a point to Luke that the only way to true one-ness with the Force is by actually doing what is necessary, putting aside your fear or apathy, and sticking to the training.

Before I get too far into this post, I want to begin by saying I'm a recovering shyaholic. I guess you could say it's genetic. All my life I was told I was shy, I was presented to others as "he's just shy", I was excused from uncomfortable conversations, and I avoided meeting new people at all costs. So, shyness runs deep in my blood. You wouldn't guess it now by looking at me or talking to me; that is mainly because it has taken me years of hard work, help from others, and radical internal change from God.



