One of the favorite terms the left likes to use for anyone who supports traditional marriage between a man and woman is "anti-gay". To the left's credit, it's a cleverly crafted term. It allows them to twist a rational logic into a bigoted worldview. Traditional marriage = excludes gays = traditional marriage supporters hate gays.

It's math, right?


Just because I support marriage between a man and a woman does NOT automatically make me a bigot. Just because I support laws that uphold traditional marriage does NOT mean I am anti-gay.

I am FOR open dialogue. I am FOR the fair treatment of all peoples in society. I am FOR a peaceful society where people of all views can coexist and debate without recourse. I don't mislabel you, so please don't mislabel me. Thanks.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am a Christian. Being a Christian is my primary identity, my only identity, and one in which I base all of my worldviews. I realize that there will never, on this earth, be a perfect political system, party, or leader, and I'm ok with that. I anxiously await the day that Christ returns and reclaims His kingdom and restores all order to the world. Until then, I allow my faith to shape the way I view culture, politics, and my role in the world.

I was recently having lunch with a friend, a Christian, who was professing his frustrations with living in America as a believer. American Christians, he said, are too complacent, comfortable, and easily distracted from the Gospel in pursuit of their own self interests. While I can't disagree with what he had to say, I do disagree with the demonizing of America that has been so prevalent as of late.



